effects of lack of sex education in schools
puberty puberty is the time in a persons life when their sexual and reproductive organs mature this means their body becomes capable ofcreating babies long before any outward changes happen, special hormones begin to be produced effects of lack of sex education in schools, inside the body of both girls and boys. these hormones affect many different things, including sexual development and growth. with girls, puberty will start around age 11. a physical change will become obvious between ages of 11 and 14. during this age girls experience change in: height, widening of hips, development of breasts hair growth around pubic area and underarms, vaginal discharge, beginning of menstrual periods and period pain. boys enter puberty a little later than girls. the puberty starts around age 12 but physical changes are mostly not visible until age 13 to 16. the changes for boys include: change in height and muscle mass, increase in size of testicles and penis, hair growth in pubic area, legs, und...