sex education in schools malaysia

here are countries where corporal punishmentstill exists! 8 - brunei brunei is a tiny little country on the northcoast of the island of borneo in southeast asia. generally speaking they have some prettybackwards laws. such as the law that it’s illegal to be gay or lesbian. adultery ispunishable by being stoned to death, and the

sex education in schools malaysia

sex education in schools malaysia, freedom of religion and free speech are basicallynon-existent. the country passed a law in 2014 that allowedthe death penalty to be administered by stoning for homosexual acts, given that there is enoughevidence pointing to the action for example, with four trusted, impartial, and truthfulwitnesses in attendance. same goes for adultery.

the punishment is death by stoning given thatthere’s enough evidence . without four qualified witnesses, there will be no stoning. um…..howdo you think these trials go? the practice of whipping anyone who doesn’ttoe the line is permissible in brunei under both the country’s penal code and sharialaw, which officially came into effect in 2013. on top of all of that, caning and whippingare fairly common forms of punishment for crimes, such as domestic abuse and it’sused in prisons to keep inmates in line. it’s even allowed in day care centers and schools. yeah, i’m staying far away from this country. 7 - swaziland

even though the minister of education orderedan end to corporal punishment in schools in swaziland, many teachers are either unawareof it, or they simply don’t give a f*ck and keep doing it anyway. swaziland, for those unfamiliar with it, isa small african nation that’s still ruled by a king. king mswati the iii is indeed anabsolute monarch who has 15 wives and 25 children and lives a lavish lifestyle while his peoplestarve. just to give you idea of what we’re dealing with here. swaziland has a long history of using corporalpunishment in schools. in 2015 the times of swaziland reported that a 17-year old studentwas killed when a teacher began to beat them.

the student supposedly had a seizure duringthe beating. in another instance, a teacher freaked outon some students for not following directions and gave them a beating before proceedingto shave their heads. in 2015, the swazi observer, a newspaper that’sowned by the king, argued against abolishing corporal punishment claiming that it wouldcreate a bleak future for the children if they weren’t beaten and that having thecane in the schools will help them become a first world nation by 2020. wellllll…’shard to argue with that airtight logic, isn’t it? 6 - iran

iran probably has one of the strictest theocraciesin the whole world, thanks largely to the iranian revolution of 1979 that saw the downfallof the more moderate secular pahlavi dynasty and the implementation of an anti-westerntheocracy. among the many awful things the iranian governmentdoes, is inflicting harsh corporal punishment on criminal offenders. as in many places onour list, this isn’t some obscure practice done kinda secretly at boarding schools. it’san actual part of their judicial system. public floggings are a thing here, with offendersoften being whipped all over their backside...from their ankles on up. floggings can be handed down by the courtsfor serious crimes such as murder, rape, or

theft. but as is the case with many theocracies,people can be beaten for religious offenses as well. such transgressions can be somethingas innocent as eating during ramadan, which if you don’t know, is an islamic fastingseason where you can’t eat during daytime, premarital sex, or drinking alcohol. 5 - malaysia corporal punishment is widely used in malaysia.and i’m not talking about where an angry nun slaps your hand with a ruler when youcut up in class. even though it’s used in schools there, caning is also an actual partof their judicial system. it’s even used as punishment in prisons.

luckily for women, this punishment only appliesto men. caning is always used as a supplemental form of punishment in addition to prison sentences.this practice dates back to the 1870’s when the british empire introduced it to many oftheir colonies, though oddly enough, never used it themselves. once they declared theirindependence from great britain, malaysia kept whacking criminals with canes...maybefor old times sake. who knows? usually it’s handed down for serious offensessuch as rape or drug trafficking. in those cases, thick canes are used while thinnerones are used for lesser, non-violent offenses such as embezzlement or bribery. there areofficers specifically trained for this kind of thing, and they inflict so much pain onoffenders that they often pass out, and then

are left with scars on their a** cheeks. however, malaysia has a separate justice systemits muslim population. under this system, sharia courts can sentence muslim men andwomen (including muslim foreigners) to caning for committing certain offenses. in malaysia,offenders are caned by the same sex. sharia caning is much less severe as compared tojudicial caning as i described earlier, and is designed to humiliate the offender ratherthan to inflict physical pain. 4 - zimbabwe technically speaking, corporal punishmentisn’t allowed in zimbabwe anymore. however, in february of 2017, reports began to surfaceof schoolkids in zimbabwe who were hospitalized

after they were beaten by their teacher aspunishment. this isn’t necessarily just some whackorenegade teacher who just decided “hey, i’m gonna beat some kids today.” corporalpunishment was on the books until 2013 when the country’s new constitution outlawedthe practice. then in 2015, courts ruled that caning wasn’t allowed in schools. but in certain schools, some teachers continueto beat schoolchildren. in 2015 a headmistress was even charged with murder after one ofher students died from a severe beating. wow. so apparently, the practice is pretty ingrainedinto the culture, with those advocating for it claiming it will weaken society if theydon’t keep doing it. others argue that perhaps

full grown adults savagely beating defenselesschildren is a bit of a cruel and unusual form of punishment. 3 - indonesia in parts of indonesia, caning has been onthe rise in recent years, thanks at least in part because of sharia law. caning canbe a punishment for offenses as innocuous as an unmarried woman being caught alone witha man. obviously, for actual premarital sex, it’s a stiffer penalty. it should be notedthat in indonesia, sharia law is only used in the province of aceh, as the rest of thecountry which is largely muslim doesn’t practice sharia law.

in aceh, the caning is done in public, notto humiliate those who violate sharia, but to deter others from following in the footstepsof these quote “godless infidels”. to give you an idea of how loosely such lawscan be interpreted, in october of 2016 a young muslim woman received 23 lashing for standingtoo close to her boyfriend. the daily mail published some of these photos that capturedthe pain and anguish on this woman’s face. on this day in particular, 12 other peoplewere caned at a mosque in aceh for violating some term under sharia law. perhaps most disturbingly, the law withinthe province now extends to even non muslims, essentially creating an all out theocracywithin this province. thankfully, the rest

of the country is a bit more reasonable. 2- singapore from their judicial system to their prisonsall the way down to their boarding schools and private homes, caning is a widely utilizedform of punishment in singapore. as is the true of many former british colonies,the practice was implemented under british rule during the 19th century, and remainsintact today. singapore is especially vicious with theircanings, and they have become well known for their use of judicial corporal punishment.generally speaking, caning is reserved for men between the ages of 18-50 and is typicallyreserved for serious crimes, such as peddling

drugs, kidnapping someone, or anything involvingviolence. singapore can be especially cruel by screwingwith people’s minds. once someone is sentenced to caning, they aren’t told in advance whenthis cruel and unusual punishment will take place. this obviously causes all kinds ofmental distress. and then they have to undergo the act of stripping naked, being tied toa weird wooden structure, and being beaten by a professional with a wooden cane. the effects of such cruel treatment are bothphysical and psychological. in 1994, an american teenager named michael fay was accused ofvandalizing cars in singapore. he was found guilty, and sentenced to six strokes of thecane.

president bill clinton tried like hell tohave the kid granted clemency, but succeeded only in having the sentence reduced from sixstrokes to four. after the worldwide attention he received, fay began to abuse drugs, includingsniffing butane, which caused him to burn his hands and face. he claims he did thisto forget what happened in singapore, where he was also treated quite poorly in the prison. i don’t know man. to blame your drug abuseand resulting injuries seems soft like charmin to me, but then again, i’ve never been professionallycaned before! 1- saudi arabia the judicial system in saudi arabia is toput it charitably, pretty freaking backwards.

sharia law reigns supreme there and beheadings,lashings and general disregard for due process are cornerstones in the saudi legal system.for example, women are thrown in jail simply for driving. so now that we’ve established how backwardsthis legal system is, let’s talk about how these lashings are carried out. they havemany instruments at their disposal, whips, canes, leather straps...anything they canuse to inflict pain. and they don’t just focus on the butt….anywhere on the backsideis fair game, from the ankles to the neck. while laws in most countries dictate thatthe strokes be done with full strength, saudi arabia is a bit more lax on that. however,these other countries limit the number of

strokes an offender receives, but saudi arabiais said to sentence people up to 100 strokes! according to some islamic scholars, floggingunder sharia law isn’t meant to really hurt people, but rather to humiliate them publiclyand deter other would be criminals. while that still seems cruel in and of itself, manyhuman rights groups have accused saudi arabia of not even adhering to that principle, andlashings often cause serious harm to the recipients. according to sharia law, those dishing outthe lashings have to keep a copy of the qu’ran under their arm to prevent them from usingtoo much force. there are numerous video clips that prove this rule is not always followed...ifit’s even followed at all. there have even been reports that trafficcops will administer lashings during traffic

stops, which would suggest that punishmentsare often done without any kind of due process of judicial proceedings. many muslims in the region, such as shiiteminorities, have protested such strict laws that both ignore people's civil libertiesand the rule of law. maybe one day they’ll help overturn such practices. here’s what’s next!


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